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Maki Yi

Maki received a BFA in Theatre Performance at the University of Regina and a MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Simon Fraser University. Maki was an artistic apprentice at Pacific Theatre in 2011/12. In 2013/14 season, she presented at Pacific Theatre Lobby Project: Suitcase Stories, 10-minute autobiographic stories, which was to become a full length play. In 2015, her collaboration with culturally diverse artists for the interpretive movement piece of a Korean short story, Weaver Woman, premiered at the Dancing on the Edge Festival, produced by Tomoe Arts.

After being invited to Uno Festival in 2015, Suitcase Stories, the full-length play, premiered at Pacific Theatre, and was remounted at Evergreen Cultural Centre in 2017/18 season. Maki appeared in Kim’s Convenience at Pacific Theatre in 2018. Maki enjoyed playing a cat in Chicken Girl by Derek Chan, a new work from Rice & Beans Theatre in May/June 2019. In January 2020, she returned to the PT stage to perform Gramma, another autobiographic play, and moved onto Arts Club tour of Kim’s Convenience until the abrupt cancellation due to COVID. Maki is grateful to PT for taking her out of her cave since the lockdown, and so happy to return to creating.

Meeting Jonah

The invitation to this project was like waterdrop to a dried plant. Then it became nourishment for my soul. By revisiting the story of Jonah, I survived the depressing rainy winter in the middle of the pandemic shutdown. Thanks to the imaginative connection to Jonah, I could endure the physical isolation.

Jonah's Visit

(click to view)
7 pages
The time spent with Jonah was my imagination vacation. And the vacation theme song was ‘Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.’ Unreal and surreal reality stimulated imagination, making it more real than the reality for me. I am grateful for the refreshing and recharging getaway for creativity. I’d like to express special thanks to DD Kugler for dramaturgy.